Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jumping rope in occupational therapy

Why do we jump rope in O.T. and handwriting tutoring?

My students always want to know why I make them jump rope so much.  If you come to see me at Learning Charms then you'll definitely be leaving being much better at jumping rope. 

Why is it important?  Jumping rope is beneficial mostly for fluency.  Fluency is part of motor praxis (meaning "planning") and is basically the ability to keep a steady pace and rhythm. It can be seen in reading fluency, math fluency, and even fluency in independent working pace.  I especially like jumping rope for children with ADD/ADHD.   Fluency is an executive function of the brain, meaning that it is a high level skill.  I teach jump rope to kids as young as 3 years.  As they get older, we learn to jump rope backwards, one footed, with rhymes, and counting backwards by 2's or 3"s.  Jumping rope helps with academic skills, timing, sensory processing and motor coordination too.  Bring out the jump rope this summer!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. My boyfriend is trying to get in shape and I told him he should start jumping rope. He just laughed at me. Thanks so much for sharing, I will have to send this to him.
